Health Tours

Health Properties of The Dead Sea



Called 'Dead' because it was first thought that no life could exist there due to its high salt content, although more recently it was found that certain micro-organisms do live in it. Notwithstanding, those aware of the healing properties of this therapeutic body of water call it 'The Live Sea'.
The reason modern medication works so effectively at the Dead Sea is because the area itself is a natural spa that has a variety of beneficial qualities which promote healing. These cannot be found elsewhere in the world to such a degree, or be created artificially.  

  • At over 400 meters below sea level, the barometric pressure is higher than anywhere else on earth, and therefore has nearly 5% more oxygen in the air than that found at sea-level. In addition, the high natural content of magnesium and bromide (an active ingredient of Valium) in the air, combine to provide a beneficial effect on the body and an overall feeling of well-being.


  • Where sun-bathing is part of the treatment, this denser atmosphere also acts as a natural sunscreen allowing patients to spend more time in the sun to receive the beneficial UV rays necessary to accelerate healing, but without getting burnt. Having an average of over 300 sunshine days a year, one is guaranteed the solar element of the treatment for most of the year.


  • The Sea itself, 10 times more concentrated in salt and other minerals than found in most any other body of water, has itself a positive and active effect in relieving a diverse range of ailments, and helps draw out toxins from the body.


  • Along the shore, ancient mineral chloride deposits which include magnesium, bromine, sodium, and potassium have created a natural therapeutic black mud which has proven to have a beneficial effect on our bodies both for health and beauty. Natural health giving hot springs, including sulphur pools, are also to be found in the nature, and used too in the spas. 

  • Located in a desert far from big cities and heavy industry, the air is pollution free to a large degree, and the serenity of the desert lends itself to create a spiritual calm in the patient that is essential to more rapid healing. Naturally, because of the pollen-free environment, those suffering from hay fever will find immediate relief from their allergy.


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